Preparing your car for winter driving | Dobson's German Auto Service

Driving in snow, ice and other adverse weather conditions may not be a daily challenge for you,

but you might want to prepare your car for the winter, in case you encounter unexpected driving conditions or for that occasional trip in the mountains.

Ideally, you should get a maintenance checkup to make sure your vehicle is winter-ready.
You should keep your fuel tank at least half full to help reduce moisture in the fuel system and add weight to the vehicle.

Check for proper tire inflation to get maximum traction from your tires in frost, snow and icy conditions. All-season tires can start to lose grip at 45 F. Winter tires improve traction and shorten braking distances by as much as 25%. If you decide to install winter tires, be sure to install four – never mix different types of tires on one vehicle.

Your motor needs a fully charged battery to start in cold weather. Have your battery tested in the fall and spring. Replace weak batteries before they fail.

Check wipers and wiper fluid. Replace wiper blades that streak.

Check for proper fluid levels (oil, antifreeze, and brake fluid)

Check lights to assure they are all working properly.

Keep your brakes in top working condition with regular inspection by a certified technician, according to your vehicle maintenance schedule. Check your brakes often to make sure that they brake evenly. Pulling, change in pedal feel, or unusual squealing or grinding may mean they need repair.

Check your exhaust system for leaks that could send deadly carbon monoxide in your vehicle.

You should put together a winter survival kit to keep in your vehicle which should include:

  • A charged phone

  • Water and non-perishable food

  • A flashlight

  • A blanket and warm clothes

  • Jumper cables

  • A shovel

  • Traction mats or sand

  • Candles and a lighter or matches

No worry…. Dobsons German Auto shop is here to provide you all the full Mercedes Benz service and BMW service at Roseville. Connect with us on 916-782-4753


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